Reef Oasis Dive Club

Dive Sites

Dive sites of
Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm El Sheikh is well known for its wonderful dive sites, rich of Different coral types and many fish species, amazing Flora and Fauna, with water temperature ranging between 20°C in February 27°C from July to October, and an outstanding visibility ranging between 20-30 meters !!!

Far Garden

Depth: 5-45 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

Far Garden is our house Reef in front of Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort, it is situated in the northernmost part of a splendid bay just north of Naama Bay. Because of the many coral formations and their configuration, Far Garden is considered a veritable underwater hanging garden. It differs from the other localities in the bay, since there is a series of large coral pinnacles located between the ledge along the reef and the drop-off, which becomes gradually steeper in an eastward direction. The current, which generally runs eastwards, tends to get stronger closer to the headland. You will see gorgonian fans, lionfish, glassfish and frequently we see mantas and turtles.

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Depth: 5-30 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

The Temple is our house reef. It is located on the north side of Sharm El Sheikh Harbor. Formed of a group of three pinnacles that rise up from 20 metres below to the surface. This is a flat, sloping reef with two major, and a few minor, pinnacles adding contour to the reef face. The largest of the pinnacles is 'The Tower'. Its bulk is split by two major fissures, one of which can be swum through. The second should not be entered, to avoid damaging the delicate gorgonians growing along its sides. All the pinnacles hide a surprisingly rich variety of reef animals.
The pinnacles are rather close to each other and have sand channels between them. The pinnacles have sheer walls which are covered with soft and hard corals, fan corals and reef fish. Coral growth throughout the site is good, with a density and mix of species difficult to match in the immediate area. They are a blanket of color. The fish are as pleasant a surprise as the coral, with a truly amazing range of species colonizing the reef. There are lionfish all about, as well as stonefish that do not move and are camouflaged. Around the pinnacles are schools of glass sweepers that move together.
Because The Temple is so close to Sharm El Sheikh and Na'ama Bay, it is a very popular night-dive site. At night the basket stars create the illusion of a curtain in the light current as they feed. As the basket stars are hit by your dive light, they tend to withdraw into a ball. As the light moves away, they expand back out and continue feeding. The feather stars and soft corals have many colors that are very beautiful in the dive lights. You can find parrotfish in the crevices with your dive lights. Some may even have their cocoons around them.
The typical depth range of the Temple is 5 to 20 meters deep and is accessed by our shore.

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Ras Mohammed

Depth: 5-40 m
Level: Intermediate

RAS MOHAMED National Park has 9 dive sites: Ras Ghozlani, Marsa Barieka, Ras Zatar, Jackfish Alley, Eel Garden, Shark Observatory, Anemone city, Shark & Yolanda Reefs. South of Sharm el Sheikh the coast is totally deserted, with no shelter for more than a mile, up to the small bay named MARSA GHOZLANI, where the RAS MOHAMMED NATIONAL PARK begins. This is followed by another bay, MARSA BAREIKA which is much
larger and deeper. It penetrates the land for 2.8 miles, forming the RAS MOHAMMED peninsula, which extends south-eastwards into the Red Sea for almost 5 miles and separates the Gulf of Aqaba from the Gulf of Suez. Because of its geographic position the Ras Mohammed peninsula is a privileged area that benefits from strong currents that transport large quantities of plankton and other food that give rise to an extraordinary growth of hard and soft corals and attract large schools of both reef and pelagic marine fauna. With the great abundance of food, barracuda, jackfish, tuna and sharks swarm in these waters, especially between June to August, offering divers the chance to make extremely interesting and exciting dives.

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Ras Ghozlani

Depth: 7-30 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

A beautiful dive site to dive in the Ras Mohamed Nationa park. This site has an superb array of beautiful table corals, glassfish covered pinnacles and a wonderful corals landscape.

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Ras Za'tar

Depth: 4-29 m
Level: Intermediate

Situated at the southern entrance of the large bay Marsa Bareika, this dive combines a vertical wall, impressive chimneys and blue water. This is a good place to find large tuna, barracudas Jackfish and in summer, cruising grey reef sharks.

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Jackfish Alley

Depth: 0-18 m
Level: Intermediate

The name of this site derives from the white sandy road between the coral ledge bordering the coast and a parallel satellite reef that is often frequented by Jackfish and other predators. Jackfish Alley, which was originally known as Fisherman's Bank, is south of Ras Za'atar. You will have to make it as a drift dive, lookout for Gorgonians, stingrays, trevally, Glass fish, triggerfish and sometimes you might see a Whitetip reef shark.

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Shark Observatory

Depth: 5-18 m
Level: Intermediate

This name indicates not only the first balcony on the top of the Ras Mohammed promontory, but also the diving site that is on a level with that promontory. This is a magnificent wall dive, also known as the Ras Mohammed Wall: while looking down into the deep blue, you can admire a grandiose environment and at the same time see large pelagic predators (even some Whale sharks have been seen in this area time and again). After descending for about 15 meters you can explore the wall on your left, which is rich in Alcyonarians, gullies, shelters and caves swarming with life, without losing sight of the blue, from which Jackfish, barracuda and some sharks might suddenly appear.

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Shark & Yolanda Reef

Depth: 12-30 m
Level: Advanced

A world ranked dive site formed of two little underwater islands, the Shark reef and the Yolanda reef. Shark Reef, is a vertical wall dropping to 700 meters, covered with fantastic corals. While the Yolanda Reef has a wide plateau with a coral garden and lots of of pinnacle corals. Between Yolanda reef and the Ras Mohamed reef lies the remains of the wreck of the Yolanda that is 74m long and was carrying bathroom supplies heading to the Gulf of Aqaba when she crashed in 1980. The presence of strong currents is often at this site. Diverse marine life to watch : scorpionfish, crocodilefish, groupers, turtles, tuna, big morays and napoleon fish, Red Snapper, batfish, unicornfish, barracudas and more which of course sometimes attracts the predators such as Grey reef or black tip Sharks.

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Dunraven Wreck (Beacon Rock)

Depth: 15-30 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

This historic wreck was a 79 meters long, British steam sail ship which was built in Newcastle and struck the reef in 1876 en route from Bombay to Liverpool. Soon after she slid off the reef and turned upside down. It is now covered in so much coral growth, that it is hard to tell where the reef stops and the wreck begins. After taking a look at her rudder and propeller, divers are taken through the hull of the wreck. Swimming inside Dunraven is like swimming through a Cathedral with beams of light pouring through her portholes. Old Hessian ropes and the remains of wooden cargo boxes bring this ship alive. The sight of her enormous boilers are a reminder of the magnificent age of steam engines. A safety stop on the reef brings schools of yellow goatfish, baby barracudas and a numerous of stonefish.

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Thistlegorm Wreck

Depth: 15-30 m
Level: Advanced

THE THISTLEGORM, its Gaelic name meaning BLUE THISTLE, was a British transport ship belonging to the Albyn Line shipping company, is 126.5 meters long, a capacity of 4,898 tons and had a `three cylinder steam engine developing 1,860 HP that gave the vessel a speed of around 10 knots. The Thistlegorm was built to transport refurbished wartime materials for the British troops. In May 1941 with a crew of 39 men it had left the port of Glasgow, Scotland, with a cargo of munitions, bombs of different kinds, anti-tank mines, Lee Enfield MK III rifles, hundreds of BSA, BSA W-M20, Matchless G3L and Norton 16H motorbikes. Bedford, Morris and Ford trucks. Four light Brengun Carrier MK II tracked vehicles. Two steam Stanier 8 F locomotives complete with two coal tenders and water tankers. On the night of the 5-6 October 1941 two German Heinkel HE III bombers, coming from their base in Crete, sighted and attacked the ship. It was hit by two bombs on hold no.4 where the munitions deposit amongst other things was situated. The Thistlegorm sank in an upright position on a flat, sandy seabed 30 meters deep at 1.30 am on the 6th October 1941. Jacques Cousteau discovered the wreck in 1955 and mentioned it in an article published in February 1956 in the monthly National Geographic Magazine. Jacques Cousteau did not reveal the position of the wreck, thus it went forgotten for almost 40 years until 1991 when it was rediscovered by an Israeli skipper. In a short time The Thistlegorm has become a great favorite with scuba divers from all over the world and is now the most visited wreck in the whole Red Sea.

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Straits of Tiran

Depth: 5-50 m
Level: Intermediate

The Straits of Tiran lie at the mouth of the gulf of Aqaba and are bordered on the west by the coast of Sinai and on the east by the island of Tiran. In the middle of this channel are four reefs lying in a northeast-southwest direction that were named after the 19th century English cartographers who drew the first nautical map of this region: JACKSON REEF, WOODHOUSE REEF, THOMAS REEF and GORDON REEF. These reefs divide the straits into two canals, to the east is the so-called GRAFTON PASSAGE, which is used exclusively by ships going northwards, while to the west is the ENTERPRISE PASSAGE for ships heading south. The strong currents that characterize the Straits of Tiran transport great quantities of plankton and other nutrient material every day, thus supplying a great deal of food to the corals and hence to the reef fish which in turn are eaten by the large pelagic predators such as barracuda, jackfish, tuna and above all sharks which are always in this zone. Consequently, scuba divers in the waters of Tiran are sure to see not only an infinite number of corals but also rich fauna, both reef and pelagic.

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Jackson Reef

Depth: 7-31 m
Level: Intermediate

This is the northernmost reef in Tiran and is known for the wreck, partially demolished in 1996, of the Cypriot merchant ship Lara, which sank here in 1985. Diving here usually begins on the southern side, which is sheltered from the waves and wind and where there are a large metal buoy, a fixed mooriing - which is not far from the reef - and two other mooring points on the reef on water level: here the wall, cut through by some splits, descends steeply to the sandy floor (-45 meters). Going westwards (dive A), you will see some gorgonians and a splendid red anemone at a depth of 28 meters. This is followed by a plateau that is connected to Woodhouse Reef by a saddle. The south-western corner of Jackson Reef, where numerous fire corals (Millepora dichotoma) can be seen, is subject to the currents, which can be extremely violent. If conditions are right (especially when the tide is ebbing), it is possible to drift dive on the eastern part of the reef (dive B). Here, about 15 meters down, is a sandy ledge that sinks into the abyss to the north. It is quite easy to spot turtles (Eretmochelys sp.) and large pelagic fish in this zone. Among the latter are White-tip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus), Grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) and Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini), which are especially numerous from July to September.

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Woodhouse Reef

Depth: 30 m
Level: Advanced

Woodhouse Reef is narrow and long, dive are done only as drift dives and only in good weather conditions. the most interesting part is the northern half of the eastern side with a canyon starting at 30 meters. Lots to see there from red anemones, great potential for sea turtles, jackfish and eagle rays. In case of choppy sea it is recomended to end the dive and to surface before the northen point as the turbulence created by powerful whirling currents and strong winds can be present.

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Thomas Reef

Depth: 0-52 m
Level: Advanced

This reef is one of the most spectacular diving sites in the northern Red Sea for both recreational and Technical Divers. The lack of mooring points makes drift diving necessary: The southern corner of the reef is the classic starting point for your underwater itinerary, which continues along the eastern side where the wall, rich in multicoloured coral, descends to a sandy plateau that begins at a depth of about 25 meters and has a slight incline. Here you can see large Alcyonarians (Dendronephthya sp.), impressive gorgonians and colonies of black coral , Antipatharians with their characteristic spiral shape. At a depth of 35 meters a splendid and extremely deep canyon opens out, running parallel to the reef and crossed by a series of impressive arches. At the north-eastern corner of the reef you may come upon a very strong counter-current. If you can get past this point and conditions are favourable, you can go around the entire reef. This will allow you to explore the northern wall, which has some nice shelters and splits, and the western one, where you will see many crevices and caves, lovely gorgonians and a wealth of fauna consisting of sea turtles, reef fish .

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Gordon Reef

Depth: 10-30 m
Level: Intermediate

Gordon Reef is easily identified by the wreck of the Panamanian cargo ship Loullia which crashed in 1981. Enjoy the various species of coral, small nudibranches hidden in the crevices and the soft corals, you can encounter as well White Tip Reef Sharks and Eagle rays. By the middle of the reef you will see some metal drums that homes Octopus and different types of eel such as Moray, Peppered and Gold edged morays. Divers need to be careful of strong current at the north and southern ends of this reef.

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Kormoran Wreck

Depth: 12 m
Level: Intermediate

In August 1984 the Kormoran, built in 1963 in the Rostock shipyards (Germany), was coming from Aqaba with a cargo of phosphate when an error in navigation caused it to hit the reef bordering the island of Tiran (Laguna Reef). The impact was tremendous and the vessel, lost almost all of its bow, two large cracks opened on it's left side and the superstructure was irreparably damaged. Now scuba divers at Sharm el-Sheikh can enjoy the new and interesting experience of going to see the wreck, which is still relatively unknown, Best to be dived when the sea conditions are good, stunning views of attractive colours of coral formations on the surrounding seabed.

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Million Hope Wreck

Depth: 0-30 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

This wreck is rarely dived due to its proximity to the shore line. However if you are lucky enough to dive it you will be in for a treat. Some parts of the ship are still visible above the surface, but the majority is below to a max depth of 30m. There is a crack which is the result of an impact, it is used to swim through into the empty hold. You can make fantastic shots of the huge propeller, so take a camera and male a full 360 degrees tour round the wreck, where very few get to dive.

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Depth: 0-110 m
Level: Advanced

The small city of Dahab lies 80 KM north of Sharm el Sheikh and has seen considerable tourist development in the last few years. The number of scuba divers visiting its diving sites has risen amazingly, yet many of these divers are not clients of the over 30 local dive centers here but come from Sharm looking for different dives in a more relaxed and calm atmosphere. In contrast to Sharm el Sheikh where scuba diving is mainly by boat, in Dahab the sites are easily accessible by land and boats are rare. THE BLUE HOLE and CANYON are the most famous dive sites of Dahab, representing the most beautiful and interesting diving sites for the underwater marine life and crystalline water.
First dive is a drift dive from the Bells (open tunnel like descending to 28 meters) towards the Blue Hole. We enjoy the Reef Wall. Then we do the second dive at the CANYON , South of the Blue Hole, we enter through its lagoon towards the Canyon Crack till 22 meters. Amazing Dive sites !

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Dahab, Canyon

Depth: 2-54 m
Level: Suitable For All Levels

The Canyon is one of the most popular dive sites in Dahab and an essential dive for all fanatics of caves and cavern diving. The Canyon is up to 10m deep and virtually closed over at the top. It snakes its way up from the depths, to emerge in a large glassfish-filled coral dome, the Fishbowl. After the shore entry, you cross a sandy lagoon that opens onto a gently sloping reef marked with coral heads. The amazing canyon soon comes into view. It has three main openings. At about 12m is the fishbowl. Below that is another large bowl, opening at about 20m. Deepest of all is a narrow exit at 52-54m. In between these openings the walls have grown together to virtually close over the top of the canyon, forming a tunnel. From the top it has the appearance of the fluted mouth of a clam shell. Note the light coming through the crack that forms the entry of the Canyon while you sit in semi-darkness, it is an amazing sight! Technical Divers can follow the Canyon all the way through to the exit where it spits you out at 54m, then continue dropping down to 'Neptune's Chair' - looks like a giant throne made of rock at 73m. Behind this there is a cave, it goes back around 15-20m, with a max depth of 75m. Take a torch! It's a dead end so no need to lay line or anything.

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Dahab, Bells & Blue Hole

Depth: 0-32 m
Level: Advanced

The entry point “Bells” is a small crack in the reef-table that continues under water like a chimney down to 28 m and can be exited at any depth. There are corals to the left and right and nothing but blue in front of you. You will turn to the right as soon as you reach your maximum depth and then dive along a fantastic wall with loads of coral overhangs surrounded by the full variety of Red Sea fish, The dive will take you gradually shallower until you reach the beautiful coral saddle into the Blue Hole at about 7 m. As for Technical Divers The Blue Hole itself is literally a hole in the reef that is around 56 meters wide and its max depth is from 90 to 120 meters. The most important feature of the Blue Hole is the archway, which is located at 56 meters and exits into the bottomless open sea. Here's what you should take into consideration: first of all, you have to correctly locate the arch. The arch is not directly below the saddle. It is on the eastern side of the site not the southern one. You should drop down at the correct place because the reef curves around and you may not be able to see the arch. Searching for the arch at depth is not a brilliant idea. One way to locate the arch is to drop down to 30 meters at the western side of the Blue Hole where you'll find a sandy gully. Following this sandy gully will finally lead you to the arch. A blue glow becomes visible at 52 meters. This is not the proper depth to cross the arch at. You have to descend another 4 - 5 meters to seamlessly cross the arch because the roof is actually located at 55 meters. The arch itself is 26 meter long, 25 meter wide hole, its advised to have a torch with you. Note that occasionally there are strong downward currents that could be experienced at the exit of the arch. Make an “if – then” scenario and follow it.

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Ras Nasrani

Depth: 6-30 m
Level: Advanced

The name of this locality means Christian cape in Arabic. The diving is done from a small sandy plateau that begins at a depth of about 6 meters, where a sand flow originates then you head northwards towards the cape, taking advantage of the current, which ranges from weak to moderate and tends to get faster near the headland. After you have passed some large gorgonians located at about 20 meters depth, you will come upon large colonies of mushroom-shaped Porites coral heads; These become even more numerous beyond the cape. The dive goes through the zone between the reef slope, which has many small shelters studded with multicoloured Alcyonarians, and the drop-off situated about 30 meters away. Ras Nasrani has the best shallow coral available to snorkellers in Sharm.

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